Thursday, February 15

Nozzle Thoughts

If time exists, then its passage can be thought of as a cosmic nozzle both sucking in the future and expelling the past. On its unceasing voyage through the infinite eternities of space, the dimensionality of its crucible, the Now also remains as elusive as both Past and Future. Having neither breadth nor width, it exists wholly in a matrix of perception, abstraction and expectation. The Past is memory, the inner vision of occurrences reflective of ones own insightful cognition basted against the unfolding consequence. The Future becomes morphemic reoccurrence of fantasy images conjured of the possibilities within perceived realities. All three causal entities defile definition; yet, the phenomenon of the physical experience demands the sanity of order that the notion of time presents. Indeed, navigational demands, involved in precise planetary maneuvering, fuse the physical with a time concept.
It is based on an sectioning of spherical 3-dimentional space into numerically named quantity, degrees in dozens. Although an abstraction, as a numerical value, others can agree on both a current location and a future location as being precisely somewhere. It follows that the activity of moving from Here to There takes Time. Again, the need to have a quanitive value led from the hourglass to the atomic clock, as the precision involved became more and more sophisticated. But, although precise, the subjectivity of process decries definition beyond the quanitive. Is time the acceleration of light speed, as Einstein theorized, or is deeper probing of subatomic particle research about to reveal its true nature? Probably both and more.


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