IE 6.0 Nightmare
Those happy yokels at
Lockernome let me in on the fact. For this, God will get them.Microsoft has a new browser version (IE 6.0) online. So, fool that I am, and remembering many recent BSODs gotten for no particular reason, I downloaded and installed the new version. I tried a couple of things and found things seemingly fine.
I decided to go ahead and install the NOW MANDANTORY upgrade of the MSN Explorer. I recently received a CD in the mail. The CD was necessary because my experience downloading the upgrade was a nightmare. When I finished installing the software, I found that settings from the previous experience remained, as did the insistence that I was already logged in as a member on this computer. Huh?
Is this why I am getting two of every email on my MSN email client?
I have now called twice for online help. I pay my money every month. I should get more than I got. The first had me install a new client for TCP/IP. This involved the Win98se CD, which I have in the proverbial lockbox. I followed directions and got a shiny new Network Neighborhood icon on my desktop for my trouble. But no log on. This ticks me as I have no use of Network Neighborhood and had gone through hell taking it off my desktop.
My second call was as useless. The yokel told me that my system resources (at 52%) were not sufficient to logon MSN!!!
Unless I am wrong, Windows still sets the resources, right? Whatever. I set about shutting down and moving all things that could be moved and shut down.
Control Panel/System tells me I am still running @52%. Garbage is garbage. Thanks Bill and all you other Microsofties.You make computing so much fun.
My other web log.
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