Saturday, June 16

    The confession. If you read that bru-ha-ha that accompanied my web log, you will find it absurdist. It was ment to be. I have trouble with taking the Internet seriously. No political change will be wrought from this medium. Maybe some entertainment, but not now...not until the bandwidth allows full motion video with excellent audio on a awitched system like the phone. I deleted the references sited by the aritcle that I copied (plagerized). What I am finding is some entertainment of an intellectual type.
    For instance, an old friend in the Boston area sent me the following:
Tree-Huggers To Do List:
1. Bury your car
2. Become a total vegetarian
3. Grow your own vegetables
4. Have your power lines disconnected
5. Don't have children
6. Limit the world population of vehicles
7. Don't build cars
8. Stop building roads
9. Replace roads with homes, parks and gardens
10. Halt weapons production and exports
11. Stop the sale, distribution and export of cigarettes
12. Send money to Brazil to provide urban jobs for impoverished workers now forced into the rainforests
13. Blockade a lumber truck carrying old-growth trees
14. Spend a month tree-sitting
15. Try to live within the World Average Income ($1250 a year) for one month.
16. Cut up your credit cards
17. Unplug your television
18. Undertake a "Conservation Sabbath" -- one day a week without consuming electricity or fuel
19. Fast one day each week and send the money saved on food to help feed the hungry
20. Adopt a homeless person
21. Raise the Minimum Wage to a survival income
22. Enact a Maximum Wage Law
23. Tie politicians' salaries to the average working wage
24. Replace majority rule with proportional representation
25. Replace the Electoral College with direct democratic elections
26. Abolish the CIA and the National Security Act of 1949
27. Pass a Nature Amendment to the US Constitution
28. Retire Presidential Advisor John Sununu

29. Plant one new tree every day
30. Go to jail for something you believe in
31. Don't own pets
32. Allow all beef-producing domestic cattle to become extinct
33. Redirect the military budget to restoration work; convert weapons factories to peaceful research; retrain soldiers for ecological restoration
34. Remove US Forest Service from under the Agriculture Department; place USFS, Bureau of Land Management, Fish & Wildlife Service under the EPA.
35. Consume only products produced within your bioregion

36. Don't eat anything that comes in a package
37. Don't buy anything that comes in a box
38. Require operators and owners of nuclear powerplants to live within one mile of the site

39. Mandate federal recycling and institute a refuse tax on solid waste
40. Pipe polluted water back into the water supplies of the companies that do the polluting
41. Don't own anything that runs on batteries
42. Boycott the Big Top
43. Travel by bus, never by air
44. Stop using toilet paper
45. Extend the life of your wardrobe by learning to make and mend your own clothes
46. Give money to every single panhandler you meet
47. Democratize your workplace: start a union or a collective
48. Is your job sustainable (i.e. recession-proof)? If not, learn to farm
49. Liberate a zoo
50. In honor of Earth Day, ask your boss if you can take a day off to work on healing the planet ... with pay!
What are the chances of the above happening? Before the year 2004, little and none. After the year 2004, none and little. Only out and out revolution will change what is wrong in America. BUT far too many folks are too fat and happy to have that happen. If only a "crisis of government" were possible...but that is a nightmare that will not happen in my lifetime.


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