Friday, September 14

I think for wisdom to arise out of an event, there has to be some sence involved in its happening. I see none in this, aside a positive residual effect it has had on this country.
    WE are again a people. I have taken down my "He's NOT My President" sign. (Enough. He may be a tongue-tied idiot, but he is OUR tongue-tied idiot.) Having "stood the uniform" and being sent a monthly VA check for peacetime injury, I am not one to make conjecture on the motivation of our leadership in times like these. There is a proper balance of anger and caution. The Shrub has been moved. Whatever comes will be of an international bent and will thereby be tempered with some measure of wise experience. 

    Beyond the horror of Monday morning, and its implications to all of us who survived, there is the divide between people that brought this about. I cannot understand the need that these fanatics have to reverse history. I can understand rage. I can understand despiration. I can understand revenge. But, in each of these emotive sources, there is limit that boders on sanity itself. Beyond that, the mind either reaches actual wisdom or becomes so dysfunctional as to be ineffective. These were people able to fly.
    No, I did not rush down to give blood. Maybe later when it becomes appropriate. Mine is really rare stuff (AB negative) and the Blood Banks tend to sell it for a big profit. I used to get $50 a pint back in the '60's, so I can only imagine what they are getting now. I did put out the flag.

    Abbie Hoffman was the vanguard America refused to see. Now, we are about to see any contemporary version of Abbie being jailed and imprisoned for much less than he (and you and I) did back then. And America will cheer. At least half of them will...
    I am upset, shocked and a bit hardened to what is about to come. I do not think I can watch many more stories of tragedy. Every one of the number lost carries a story that is motivation enough to breech the edge of composure.


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