Wednesday, November 28

Act Two (Redacted)
"Ultimate good, immediate evil..."

     Attorney General John Ashcroft today refused to release listings of the names of those persons detained since the Attack of September 11th. In a statement hastily published online, Ashcroft demonstrated an ability to side-step direct questions; a talent unseen and unused since the last time Republicans tried to get over on the American people in the endless Watergate fiasco. His semi-secretive statement was given in front of an audience of invited Members of the American Media (unseen). Confused over the numbers involved, as though unable to read or use simple notes, Ashcroft again presented an image of a stuffed shirt. Reading the statement in its entirety, there remains not doubt about the dangers given these mental midgets through the powers they already have at hand.
    On the
PBS NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, Anthony Lewis of the New York Times expressed the danger clearer than any other seen so far on broadcast media. The site stream of the interview (in RealAudio, of all mediums) was inoperable when we searched for the name of the ultra-Right counterpoint guest in the interview. With luck, we will never see this Afro-American fool again. But that is probably asking too much.
    It is all about the
Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. That document is the law upon which all other law in this land is supposed to be based. It has been added to and interpreted over the centuries since adopted. However, rights to property not being seized for public use (as in auction sale) without compensation, as expressed in the Fifth Amendment, were disappeared under guise of "ill gotten gain" in the War on Drugs. There is no doubt that Franklin Roosevelt was given a Mulligan when review of the original military tribunal law passed Supreme Court muster. (The present Court has already proven their bias to ultra-right interests.) It was a different situation back in WWII completely. This smacks of a coup.

    But, folks, its too late already. This law is more dangerous to the Republic than any other political act in our history. It will revisit its authors and adherents in coming elections; providing there is one.


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