Saturday, October 23

Today The Next President of the United States thought enough of Reno, Nevada to spend several hours at a well-attended rally here. He filled Lawlor Events Center (seating about 18,000) with the faithful, longing for change. I was there because I decided that NOT going would be tantamount to an abandonment-of-principle. After all, I have already voted. Mine is in his column.
It was, to say the least, an interesting way to spend an afternoon. The process to get into the building was a Patience Test. First, the line was extremely long, snaking up and down a hill and onto a high set of stairsteps, that led to a Security Search phase.
Interestingly, the Armed Authority was to ask that all electronic devices be turned on (to show that they were operational). Else, the routine was so similar to an airport search as to almost be people adapt to extraordinary circumstance.
Inside, the locals had their few minutes of fame. Several faces were familiar. A general get-out-the-early-vote theme was driven hard. A couple pointed out that no oath of allegiance was required to enter the was recently required at an appearance by Shrub2. The audience stood and stayed on their feet when a Korean War veteran that is a tribal elder was introduced and led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. It was a moment.
When The Great Man was finally introduced, the tumult was both extraordinary and predictable. So too was the following speech. I felt that I was listening to a rehearsed rehash of items seen in ads that continue to overpopulate television. Not quite pap, the information was, probably by design, shallow. One would think that The Candidate would be cognizant of this and offer deeper and more complex explanation of proposed programs and actions. It was less than expected but not disappointing.
I thought about leaving early to miss the traffic, but decided instead to position myself for better photographic opportunities. Then The Candidate exited in the opposite direction from my position; even the best laid plans...etc etc etc.
After it finally did end, the walk to where I had the Old Chevy parked was interrupted with a drink at the local Waldorf Saloon. I would have eaten dinner there, but decided instead to eat the chicken in my microwave. I drove home and drank a quart of been; then passed out for nearly six hours.
Please do not reelect our President. Make 2004 the Year of the Lame Duck.


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