Wednesday, December 13

   So it seems to be over. This IS POLITICAL.    

I wince in the across-the-board snow job that the Republicans are putting out for spin. How can they remain so brain dead and still live and breathe? Never before, according to Allen Dersowitz, has Rhenquist, Thomas or Scalia used "equal justice" as measure to settle a constitutional suit. Never again will they.

Breyer had the handle that states they had no business in this business. They did not, but that is water under the bridge now.    

Al Gore seems about to withdraw. End of story. I think that the entire Democratic side of the Congress should rise and turn their backs on Bush when he comes to address them. And my Day of Many Moons idea has had its own seeds planted. This may be time to organize.    

I have never been one to endorse radical action. It seems to me to be counter-productive. I will, however, be purchasing a firearm in the near future. I see terrible consequence from this. Consequence that will make the Sixties seem mild...even in light of what was done to the Black Panther Party.    

Brookings, Heritage, et al are seat to proactive conservative foolishness that wages war wihout victory, creates political dissent, drives free enterprise into the ground through favortism, and makes issue where none should righteously exsist.    

Dershowitz called for widespread dissent over this Supreme injustice. I concur. However, as insulated as they are against public scrutiny and interaction, there has to be some manner available to demonstrate protest on a personal level. They live and breathe the same air. I think they need to be made uncomfortable, as uncomfortable as history will see this patisian ruling acting on this republic's sence of fairness and rule of law.    

Enough of this. For now.


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