Tuesday, December 12

We survived Nixon AND Ford AND Regan AND Bush Sr. We can survive these fools. It will be President Cheney (until he kicks) and the Front Guy. I am hoping it is sooner than later for Dickless Dickie.

The really scary thing is Congress. Regan ran up a three trillion-dollar debt in taking down the Soviets and hocked the future in the process. Now Congress will redistribute the wealth to the wealthy. The retirement I am looking forward to will now probably be in a cold climate RV park.

The behind-the-scenes Supremes is a "sole it fair and square" item. I knew about O'Conner and Rhenquist, always saw Sirica as an "unmitigated a-hole" and Clarence Tom-ass as both "black" (note quotes and reference to somebody’s uncle) and inept. The rest are a toss up; I like Ginzburg, Stevens, Souter and Breyer. That is, with some reservations; they are just not as bad as the others. Kennedy, Tony?...what is that all about?

But, I think back to the scandal over Pete Rose and how Bart Giamati fell dead soon after giving Pete the kiss of death. (There was a back room deal there, too, according to Rose.) History will bear its fruits upon the sower of the seed. Remember the saw about "even the President has to put his pants on one leg at a time"...? Is there a real Karma or is that just more "dust on the mirror?" At this point, I only wonder.

I am not so certain about what "the decision" says or does not say; what it means seems beyond even the legal pundits on the networks. As of right now, it is not online, but I suppose it will be soon. I will probably "read it and forget it," for what it is or is not. In sum, what this means to my life is abstract. (Even this man does not have the "stones" to cut veteran's rightful benefits; knowing for guys like me that the consequence of that, even an attempt, will be met with action.) You have more to be upset about than I do. I can guarantee that, like Nixon, everything this guy puts his hands on will turn to dog poop.

By the way, I am a registered REPUBLICAN! Unlike Massachusetts, Nevada is one of those states that has closed off the Independent as a political alternative. If you register Independent here, you do not get to vote in the primaries. So, I figured to vote for the weaker of the Republican nominees; in hope of giving the Demo an edge. In a general election, one can vote for whomever they wish. Nice of them to allow us "unwashed" to do that, isn't it? I also like to think that the Republicans can look over the precinct I am in and see a false figure. Makes for a small protest I am hoping will become popular when it becomes known. No way to change the law  in this "right to work" state where employees work "at the leisure of the employer," a direct quote from state law.

I look at the deal the Texas Rangers (which George W used to own a piece of) just made for the services of Alex Rodriguez, the former shortstop for my Seattle Mariners. It is for a QUARTER BILLION-DOLLARS over ten years! That is more than the Minnesota Twins and Cleveland Indians are FOR SALE for COMBINED! I have to applaud Arod for his talent, but this is going to destroy a game that I love.

Ditto with this election: the doors to Fort Knox have been pried open; the keys to the asylum given to the inmates. It will take men and women of extraordinary fortitude to face the onslaught that is about to come. At best, the middle will again prevail and little will actually occur.

In looking in "my part of the national neighborhood", the view here traditionally gives rise to pessimism and conservative right wing government. It is desert and more than 60% federal land. Las Vegas is taking a dump lately, part of the Wall Street roller coaster. It has been built mostly on junk bonds. Reno is an urban war zone, with another casino downtown closing its doors last week. That makes five since the one mega-resort, the Silver Legacy, was built four years ago. I both want to run from this corrupt city and get involved at a grass roots level. Now, the implications have changed. Waiting is called for until a direction is seen.

So we wait.


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