Wednesday, October 18 much for good intents. I lay it at Lou's door. Shudda pulled that pitcher Tomko before he hadda see the meat of the Yankee's order. Mesa, all in all, pitched alright. It was closing the barn door after the horse had bolted. Lou just didn't let it all hang out as a game like that demands. I am greatly disappointed, but the guy has made needing a shave a lifestyle. I never liked him as a player and now have fodder to dislike his managerial style. Not a winner. But this is baseball; wait until next year. Then...maybe we will get that one more lefty. Always one more lefty. Can't see anybody (even Davy Johnson) that will do Seattle better than Lou. He has had his crosses to bear. He did good getting this far this year. I know other teams will seek his services. I think Seattle will be better off with him managing somewhere else. Finding someone "as good as" will be enough if they are good baseball people. So who is out there? Whether or not ARod is around is a matter of money. He will probably go to more fertile ground. He will leave a big hole but...maybe new blood? But look at all the others whose contracts are up. What is going on up there? Ten of twenty played tonight and they left it on the field. Quiet ride home for some...some only have to get cross-town (like ARod). Wonder if he had his locker cleaned out. I would lay odds as it would be smart to do so. Still, it is a pretty ballpark.Got plenty of exposure to a national audience. The roof is really strange isn't it? And it looks like the new Seahawks park is coming along fine. I don't see where all these folks are gonna park! Or will they bring the monorail out of downtown? About time. Or is that still a pipe dream? So, the Ducks are gonna be in the Rose Bowl, the Seahawks are shitty and what's-his-name Kitna is no Farve, the Ms bit the dust but gave them a good go for their money. And it is the money...always the money. I think Jr going to Cincy is the proof of the get what you pay for, but the money is more a symbol than any reality of power. Watch Piazzia. Lotta money. So far..big nothing in the playoffs. But Valentine is in his first World Series. So go figure. I can't because I have more fucking homework than a high school freshman. And I am doing really bad (for me) this semester. No motive but a firgging piece of paper. I may make it. I may not. I am really beginning not to care much either way. I feel my age as I have never felt it before. About all that is left, this next few weeks is the frigging election. The Clown or The Robot. The glad-hand fool or the fessin-up liar. It is absurd and, no doubt, life will go on no matter the outcome. Having seen as much as I have, my attitude has settled into ambivalent disconcern. It really has very little to do with my life. Maybe a change is in the air, maybe not. But... Baseball is over for me this year. Who gives a fuck? Only of 250 million Americans, the 6 million who live in New York City. NBC thinks the Olympics were a ratings failure...wait for the World Series. They did? Oh. You remember the score? Oh, that's OK, doesn't matter anyway.


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