Sunday, December 31

I spent a bit of time this afternoon working on my web site. I have a New Year's Resolution to actualize my site this year. My friend JB invited me over for drinks but I passed. He has a business license, the first step toward some of the ambitions we have had for the past couple of years. Ed is happy because his Eagles won today. I managed to write Suz. I see Shrub's appointment to run the VA as a possible improvement. That, too, I will believe when what he does, or does not do, results in larger numbers in my bank account. Meanwhile, I will, with those bureaucrats, keep a cool head and my butt down. I am in good health, considering my age and history. I am anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds overweight, depending on whose weight chart one goes by. All this since quitting smoking a year ago and it is to be expected. I have thought about making losing this weight another Resolution, but decided to pass. Best to get the cholesterol and blood pressure figures Under Normal. Maybe yoga again will open a way. Maybe it is just consequence in living as many years as I have. Another birthday, exactly one calendar month from tomorrow, adds sequential numerical value to a social identity but remains of little consequence to me. I live as I have for so many years; with one eye on the necessary, and the other on my bankbook. I am able to get what I need but seldom see what I want manifest. Is this as it only could be? Must be. It was. It is. But it means nothing. We have that great exclimation from Scarlett O'Hara to draw apon and conjecture the fickle finger of fate's consequence to time coming. Tomorrow is another day. We were neither here for the Old One's beginning nor will be here for the New One's end, but we are here for its Beginning. I will, as I do New Year's Day, sit in front of the tube and watch football. The University of Washington Huskies are in the Rose Bowl. Go Huskies! Go Suzanne! Go Ed! Go Jon! Go Tim! Go Everybody! Go Millennium! Happy New Year!