Simple Answers
For Simple Enemy Soldiers
We already have weapons more terrible than [the enemy] may EVER muster; to a degree of a power factor of probably 4.
- We have satellite surveillance systems able to read a license plate from orbit, with a refresh capacity that enables us to follow an individual or group wherever they move, in daylight or low light (as in 1/4 moonlight). So, [the enemy] has one week out of a month to move at night like a rat or in bad weather. Even then...
- We have night vision equipment in our jet fighter and other combat aircraft able to see in total darkness, portable enough for light infantry troop use. So, even in that one week, we can see [the enemy] sneaky terrorist ass.
- We have Navy Seal and Army Ranger Special Operations warriors able on the ground, to make pathetic suicide squads of teenage Talibon meet Allah's righteous rejection; so quickly that no account will remain but that of our winning side. So, if you think Americans have no stones, you are really wrong, Imam. We got big BRASS ones...
- We have cluster bombs, able to effectively pierce 3/4 inch steel plate armor, in a precise carpet shaped kill pattern as big as a soccer field; that we can drop accurately from 30,000 foot altitude. So, there is nowhere to hide in the open, caveman.Canvas tents don't make it in a long term combat zone.
- We have anthrax compounds ten times more powerful than [the enemy], that is still living in the Sixth Century. We can deliver it, or any other weaponry, up to and including nuclear weapons, with Tomahawk missiles able to hit a target the size of a dining room tabletop at 1,200 miles range. [The enemy] has terrorists dumb enough to die in vain; or get caught (and live in concrete rooms the rest of their pitiful lives). Fear only works until the target forgets about it, or finds reason to stand against its hallow cries for justice. So, ducking will not be enough, Mohammed. To get justice, give it.
- We have every square inch of wherever {the enemy] may run programmed into our fire control systems, and in real time to our ground forces. So [the enemy] may run but [it] may never hide for any appreciable time. In fact, for [the enemy] time is short, not in the winds of change. [The enemy] has no real operaional systems, only hate.
- We have stealth aircraft, that [our enemy] will realize was just overhead about two seconds before [they] are dead. So, [they] better be right with Allah, or God or whomever they worship, pilgrim.
- We are resolved to find our own brand of justice for the death and pain of all those innocents who suffered the horror of September 11th. So, we figure, we have time to do whatever we need to, in this "First and Last Holy War of the Twenty-first Century."
- And we have other stuff, too. We do not care what religion [the enemy] is. We respect the rights of the individual to worship as they wish. On the field of combat, we expect to dish it out and to take some in return. We have seen the resolve of {the enemy] in Desert Storm. In the end, [the enemy] will see our resolve. [The enemy] will be seeing it tested as [they]die or are forced to surrender. And, do not forget, it was our billion dollars worth of weaponry that put [the enemy] where [they] are. We got more and can make more. [The enemy] has a few dollars, wrong ideas and dust.
Now, what you got, you Muslim heretics?
Give it up. Don't count on your bad interpretation of the Qu'ran.
We are wise to your action.
And we are getting ready.
We coming, muddah-frigger.