Reinstalled MSN and it seems to be working. Wonder what happened?
Friday, September 1
A new month and a new set of problems. Still no web cam through my USB card, which Devise Manager tells me is working correctly. Windows does not see the camera and I don't know why. IRQ? COM? what? This should be an easy install. Tommorrow, hopefully, I can contact Creative Labs and get the skinny. Meanwhile, I have had six hours of down time through MSN. No page would load. I think they screwed up my account again. It is the first of the month. I have spent time trying to get answers, but have not had any luck getting anywhere. My Account on MSN is dead. Help is useless; the chat is garbled. I suspect ill-willed hands at work...maybe hackers, maybe MSN itself. Seems like we have to grin and bear it. I have so much invested in this service now. Would be a shame to have to quit them now.
Wednesday, August 30
Here is the rundown on the Big Meeting. I carry some baggage with me; not the least of which is physical disabilities (real ones) that got me into this school situation to begin with. Now the information: Who was there: Jeremy, Neil, Cal, Paula Lee, the Village Guy, Ginnie, the black tech (think its Charlie), the Head Librarian Guy and me. What went on: 1. Paula Lee made a pitch on copyrighted material being absolutely outlawed and noted that Dr. Davis has copyrighted music on his site that has to go; 2. Neil said something to the effect that our efforts will contribute mainly toward a further request for funds from Johncock and that it is a question of scale, so we really need to bust our butts to get as much up and running as possible, etc., etc.; 3. Something was said about ICI Advisory Group and how we have to put our best foot forward (?huh?whodat?); 4. I found out that there is a difference between Work Study (where we are being paid) and Internship (where we get college credit and might be paid). We are Work Study but there is a possibility of Internship. Very muddled on this point. Something about the 5. Room 113 will be available when keys are made. Yippie! There is a G3 on the hook, a digital Mavica camera Jeremy already has his hooks in, and the place needs a telephone (the set, not the line). Somebody has to officially ask for a line, but the jacks are hot. No detail on this process was forthcoming; 6. There may be an open Multimedia Specialist position at the college, maybe, if and when…bada bing bada boom. Political BS; 7. Nursing should be our second campus priority, after the English Department., but we have to be cognizant of not playing favorites (huh?); 8. Our grant runs through June 2001. There was some side discussion between those "in the know" (Neil, Paula Lee, and Cal) about some "value added" something or other. I did not get the information; 9. Neil mentioned that about the eighth week of the semester, about November 5th, Jim Anon had mentioned that his students would be becoming available for projects. There was some discussion about students doing the work at no cost (free), as this project is on the cheap. Something called Cyber Corps was brought up but dropped like a fart in church(?); 10. I asked for a definitive copyright statement from Paula Lee and listened to five minute of abstraction from both she and Cal. It comes down to the enforcement of the statement in the form online that any site holder agrees to initially. If violated, Cal says that he can only ask them to remove the offending content. I asked for a Gatekeeper, one person to review and okay content before it is initially posted. I was then told by Neil that if I was going to have difficulty with faculty, I should go out and start my own web design company (Huh?); 11. Charlie then chided that my problem was that I didn't understand what the basis for policy was and that maybe I should consider some other whatever. To which, I told him not to put me in a box and that I was just looking for where the line is drawn…clearly implying that the policy is obscure and needs definition; 12. Cal mentioned that his concern in coming to the meeting was that we were all on the same page…dooh!….. I asked about having a formatted home page for individual home pages and heard that, for instance, the reason we do not want every home page to have "Open In New A Window" coding rather than TMCC back linking is that they come from more than the TMCC home page…huh? 13. It was pointed out, by The Village Guy, that web pages seem to be in three different types: a. the Business Card, b. the Filled-In Template (thank you Cal), and c. the Full Tilt Boogie (like Neil's site); 14. Somehow Paula Lee again brought up Dr.Davis' site, saying that the schools music department would be more than delighted in recording an original piece for Dr. Davis' site. A joke ensued. "The Dr. Davis Song. I am shure he will appreciate that. I asked if the server file limitation is locked into .midi or .wav; or if .mp3 is possible. Without an answer, I thought that this is a real opportunity if real; 15. Without a direct answer, the discussion turned to file sizes (as .midi and .wav files tend to be large) and whether or not sites should have an overall limit…I insisted on 3mb as an initial total web site limit, with option for more coming with a submission form; the school has 8Gb HDDs; 16. Someone of the Crime CRJ something is possibly important; 17. Neil said something about "focus on business" which I completely misunderstood, thinking that too a copyright conflict; 18. THERE WILL BE ALTERING OF THE SCHOOL LOGO, you know, that thing in the blue oval; 19. Instructors have difficulty making an attachment to something called GroupWise; 20. Paula Lee again reiterated that we will not be using copyrighted material. I left with a headach, 20 minutes late to my first Java class. It was a travesty that I will work all weekend to remedy...on top of all this other stuff. There must be a reason for all this.
Tuesday, August 29
Details, deatils, details. Lots of details today. Lots of emails and calendaring appointments. Some work on .jpeg files for page headers. Almost nothing done in Dreamweaver. Hope to have the college use this utility in some manner. I think it can be useful. Wondering if it is possible to change the font on this...probably at the site...HTML edit. I wonder.
It finally works! Now to not email everybody just to see what I have done. Temptation. But this is handy...especially with the Team aspect. I hope to cue the teamm webbies in on how it works tomorrow. And wonder if they will ever get a spell checker on this site for intellectually challenged minds like mine.
First class was a snap tonight. Still ironing out the logistical process on the web site project. Still making my blog work right. Long email to Suzanne, whio is about to take a tour of Europe and the Holy Land. Envy.