The Error in Terror 2
Islamic Reformation Wanted
the period of time it takes for electricity, or light, to travel from Point
A to Point B, as in a telephone call or television signal, the human mind is commonly capable of sensing what it is happening; and also of
having sense enough to wait for it to happen. That is, unless they are spokesperson for a minority position group or a member of government. In most cases, thesed people feel impelled to express their contrary opinion totally out of phase to everything else that is happening; except, of course, what is happening in their own consciousness. This rudeness usually causes a lot of nothing to happen, and/or, based on misunderstood implied meaning, an occasional horror.
is the phrase used to define the brand of Islam practiced by the Al Quida
and Taliban. As foreign and alien as this is to the majority in American culture
and religious practice, the degree of devotee adherence to its leadership
is awing and unseen since the Kamikaze of W.W.II Japan. It seems to have become
a major political and religious movement of nearly one-third of the planet, or the Biggest Lie in the last thousand years. It could be called any of a number of other descriptive things; the name itself is not the thing. The degree of violence attached to its practice is.
From my side of the picture, intellectual or mutually understandable explination of the enemy remains elusive; beyond cliche statements, there is a branding of all to worst expressions of singular individuals. When the worst of one group is compared to the best of another, this jingoism abounds and the distances between people are promoted. When understanding and reason is sought, that distance may become smaller. When nothing becomes the norm, these distances increase.
Lets look at what HAS happened (without the sh*tshine that emits from American media).
...Osama bin Lamen has disappeared without a trace. American hope now lies in his betrayal for the 25 million dollar reward we offer. Weigh this against the 600 million he is suppose to be worth.
...Dispite American best efforts, Taliban Mullah Omar is disappeared without a trace or indication of possible target location.
...In Yemen, Al Quida terrorists managed to blow a hole in the side of a major battleship, killing 22 American sailors. FBI investigators were pulled out of the country in July because of a "lack of cooperation" by the Yemeni government and police. Since then, an infustion of money has realized Yemeni governmental control of a reported 75% of the country. The FBI has been invited back; on the heels of 400 million dollars in American aid.
...Afghan and on the ground human relief agencies report that between 2,500 and 3,000 civilian non-combatants have died from American bombing; the Pentagon reports their estimate as between 200 to 250.
...PBS reports that the pilot terrorists of our Attack all reported their passports stolen following trips to Afghanistan and Pakistan; to receive new ones without indication of those trips so that they may enter the US under tourist visas. Nothing was said of US plans to affect a change in this tactic.
...Nobody has used nuclear weapons. Yet.