Summer is here and we set a damn record. It hit 100 degrees in Reno. Damn hot, even for Reno Rodeo Week. On the Longest Day of the Year, it began warm, got hot and stayed hot a very long time. I watered the garden four times; with water I saved from yesterday (don't want to get a ticket from the Water Cops!).
Suz sent me
the URL and it seemed like an idea whose time had come. I decided to take them up on it. It was great!The Grid browned out. Republicans were forced to admit that they are, in fact, all direct descents of Stewart (whose friends called him Stu) Pidas, the first American to walk and chew gum at the same time (circa 1927). Governor Grey Davis of California went on an extended vacation to Hawaii having assured the citizens no possible power emergency was eminent. All neon signs in this city burnt a bit brighter.
Actually, three hours without utilizing the Power Grid is a real challenge, even if it doesn't get dark until half way through the test. I powered down at 7 and managed to maintain until 10, as suggested by the web site.
*I drank two warm beers. * I weeded the garden. * I played catch with Sarah, my English Pointer. (She continued to pester me long after.) * I sewed a tear in a really great pair of slacks. * I combed at least four pounds of hair out of Jack, my Border Collie. * I watered the garden. * I used the phone to call in a complaint about all the noise from the Reno Rodeo PA system. * I fixed two messed up garden hoses that needed male ends. * I ate dinner, a half chicken, BBQ with salad. * I spread a sack of manure around my garden plants. * I watered the garden. * I sat and actually watched the sun set. * I segregated Jimmy, the Mongrel being boarded with Jack and Sarah, because he is obnoxious. * I watered the garden. *
Other than that, it was life as usual here in Sin City. I missed the sixth-hand solar eclipse in the Today Show. The Internet version sucked hind. I am wondering where a quality, even if very slow loading, recording might be found. Meanwhile, I am still searching for information regarding organic means of fighting the bug that is eating me plants. I tried soapy spray and it seems to have done the trick.